Love Letter #4: Here We Go Again

To My Folks,

I was a direct recipient of “white payoffs” from the Civil Rights protests in the ’60s. These payoffs were government programs designed specifically for African Americans, or “Niggers,” the term they used behind closed doors, or “Negroes,” the politically correct term used publicly. These payoffs were looked upon as government handouts, but in fact, these programs were paid for in blood; Black bloodshed from decades of hangings, beatings, bombings, and assassinations.


And here we are again!


The payoffs, hush money, and “just go away Niggers [oops…African Americans] funds” are starting to rescind. Just like in the 60s, when the spotlight on our plight in this country started dimming, those in power started defunding programs created to help us buy boots – boots needed to pull ourselves up. Today, those programs have seemingly all disappeared.


I ask myself, “Has the surgical precision to dismantle our newfound gains begun already?” If history repeats itself, exactly how close are we to becoming chained slaves again?


When it comes to the bottom line, profit, the system of slavery is absolutely the greatest business model ever invented. So don’t you dare go back to sleep. Stay woke! The price we pay for sleeping is too high and the currency is Black lives.


Much Love, 

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